The Rotary Club of Jefferson last week presented a check in the amount of $1,007 to the Greene County Christian Action Resource Center (ARC), represented by Shirley Haupert of Jefferson.
Because of the economic uncertainty as a result of COVID-19, Erna Morain, governor of Rotary District 6000, of which the Jefferson Rotary Club is a part, asked each member to donate the cost of one Rotary meal to either the Food Bank of Iowa or their local food pantry. The Jefferson Rotary Club decided to focus its efforts locally by donating to the ARC. Each member contributed, and some donated extra to the fundraising effort.

Haupert noted that demand has increased slightly as the result of the COVID-19 outbreak, and she expects it to increase further as the positive effects of the federal stimulus checks diminish. However, through generous donations from the community, and organizations like Rotary, she stated the ARC has kept up with the demand. The ARC continues to accept donations of canned goods, personal hygiene products, and other household items.
Through District 6000 and Rotary club donations to local food pantries and the Iowa Food Bank network, Rotarians have donated more than 400,000 meals to individuals and families experiencing economic hardship in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak.
The Rotary Club of Jefferson has been conducting weekly meetings via Zoom and will continue to do so for at least the next few weeks.